Make Money

Where to get Help if you have No Money for Christmas

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Last Updated: March 25, 2025

No Money for Christmas? Here’s What to do & Who Will Help

If you can’t afford Christmas this year and are looking for what help is available, we have compiled a list of places that you can reach out to for help, as well as ways to help yourself.

Whether you’re on a low income or have had some sort of financial disaster such as a loss of job and are struggling to afford Christmas this year, there are some wonderful organisations out there that can help you.

Christmas is a magical time of year, but for some families, the pressure to provide presents, decorations, new outfits, Santa visits, and all the other festivities that come with it can be a huge financial burden.

Christmas Help

As well as the charities and organisations listed below, there are also plenty of other ways for you to budget and get free items for Christmas, Here we will help you to learn how to survive Christmas with no money…


christmas list



Churches often provide help over the Christmas period to families in need. Ring around some of your local ones to explain your situation and find out how they can help.

Salvation Army

The Salvation Army has a ‘Toys and Tins’ appeal every year that enables them to provide food hampers, brand new toys & gifts for children, teenagers and older people in need.

You can be referred by an agency such as social services or you can refer yourself.

Find Your Local Salvation Army

Food Bank

Food banks around the UK provide extra items during the festive period such as chocolates, cakes, stockings, and biscuits – as well as Christmas dinner items.

You will need a referral and a voucher from a recognised agency or housing association, your local food bank will be able to tell you which referral agencies they work within your area.

Find Your Local Food Bank

Citizens Advice

Give Citizens advice a call on 0808 2082138 (freephone) and they will help address your financial crises and provide you with support to maximise your income, help you to navigate the benefits system, and identify any additional grants you could be entitled to.

Your local office will be privy to what local support is available as it differs greatly by area.

Budgeting Loan

I normally don’t condone the use of loans, but if you’re really struggling and worried about Christmas, the zero-interest loan provided by the government is a choice.

If you’re on benefits and have been for 6 months, you will be eligible for a budgeting loan.

Apply for a Budgeting Loan

Ways to Budget & Get Freebies for Christmas

Have a Clear Out

Start at the top of your house and work your way down, bagging anything you don’t want or need any longer.

Put the higher-priced items up for sale on Gumtree or Facebook marketplace and maybe do a car boot sale with the rest.  With the money you make, you can make some Christmas purchases.

Free Activities

Whether it’s driving/walking around your local area to see the lights, having a Christmas movie night or making homemade decorations, there are loads of ways to keep the kids entertained for free over the festive period.


If the reason you have no money for Christmas is due to some sort of financial disaster, you could set up a crowdfunding page to ask for donations.

People are very generous around Christmas time and if you’re the victim of a burglary, fire, or unexpected job loss they might be inclined to help you out.

If you don’t want to set it up yourself, you could ask a close friend or family member to do it for you.

Free Decorations

People are always getting rid of old decorations in the run-up to Christmas, there is a new ‘reuse’ community on Facebook which sees local areas listed so you can give away and receive usable items that are no longer needed.

Simply type into Facebook’s search bar your ‘area + reuse’ for your local group.

Free Christmas Events

There will be loads of free events going on throughout the UK such as carol concerts, craft-making sessions & Storytimes.

Most of these free events are run by local councils, churches, museums, and charities. You will have to have a search on Google for your area to find out what is available. I usually pop in “free local Christmas events”.

Free Vegetables

Supermarket giant ASDA has started giving away all their remaining vegetables on Christmas eve. You can help yourself to as much as you like!

So why not grab enough to last you a few weeks – you can even batch cook some nutritious vegetable soups.

The veg was reduced down to 0p around 5pm and the stores shut at 7pm so leave it as late as possible.

and last but not least…

Presence over Presents

Our presence IS a present. Creating memories is free! Whether it’s going to see the lights, cooking a budget roast dinner together, playing board games or watching Christmas movies, there is nothing children love more than family time.

Everyone wants to shower their kids with gifts and of course, children love to receive them but there are so many ways to create the most magical day for absolutely nothing.


If this article helped you, you need some more advice or you know of any other places to get Christmas Crisis help, please let us know in the comments below…


Claire is the UK's #1 'Online Shopping Expert', known for creating sale date tracking to reveal UK sale dates so her followers are first to know when the next sale is due to land for their favourite stores. Featured in major news outlets and TV shows such as 'This Morning', 'The Times Money Mentor' 'Closer magazine, 'The Guardian' and many more for her viral 'Kids Eat Free' and 'Supermarket 25% off Wine Deal Dates' promotions she features.

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