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Free Meal Plan & Grocery Budget Template

Fed up of overspending on your food shopping? Constantly throwing out wasted or gone off food from the back of the fridge? The price of groceries has soared in recent years and this meal plan and grocery budget template will help you pull in the reins on your spending. 

  free meal plan grocery budget printable


The number one thing that helped to cut our food spending by thousands a year, is meal planning, and it can help you too!

Why Should I Meal Plan?

Having a meal plan in place every week can seriously help you keep on budget.  When it comes to weekly meal planning I have two goals in mind, 1) Make sure we have 1 nutritious, home-cooked meal per day and 2) keep the entire week's groceries for our family of six under £100.

I was spending a lot of money at restaurants and on takeaways (despite spending a fortune at the grocery store) because I was lazy and couldn't even muster up the imagination to create a meal with what I had thrown into the trolley that week.

With a meal plan in place, all your ingredients are ready and you don't even have to think about it, you just check what's on the day's list and get on with it. 

Use this free template to keep track of your weekly save, which you can download and print off completely free of charge.  Here’s a preview, you can download the high-def PDF further down or click on the image...


meal plan


Tips to Lower Your Grocery Shop

Get your Groceries Delivered

You might think the delivery fee is a put-off but I spend £5 a month on my Asda delivery pass and can have as many deliveries as I like.  I would spend that on fuel - not to mention the extra money you spend walking around the shop and seeing things you wouldn't if you were shopping online.


Use Voucher Codes

You should never shop for anything online without first trying to find a Voucher Code where possible, from either cutting them out of free magazines or using online spend and save codes.


Scan your Receipts

Use checkoutsmarts app and take a few seconds of your time to scan grocery receipts to earn cash or gift cards.


Cook Cheaper Meals

This applies particularly if you have a large family, you need to take some time to find cheap meal ideas and recipes online. You can even ask friends for ideas, or even post on social media. 


Mask your Food Shop

Huh? I hear you say....well this cheeky money saving trick I have been using for many years, and I have written a post detailing exactly how to food shop cheaply and get away with it


How To Get Your Free Meal Plan & Grocery Budget Template

Well, that's the easy part! Simply click here and you can print the pdf off in the click of a button. Now it’s a matter of simply entering in your desired meals, ingredients and costs each week.


More Free Printable's you may be interested in: Monthly Budget Planner or our popular Yearly Savings Planner


If you found the free Meal Plan & Grocery Budget Template useful, or have any questions, please let us know in the comments below...



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Claire Roach Money Saving Central Founder

Claire is the UK's #1 'Online Shopping Expert', she is best known for creating sale date tracking to reveal UK sale dates so her followers are first to know when the next sale is due to land for their favourite stores - making her unpopular with major UK retailers!

Featured in major news outlets and TV shows such as 'This Morning', 'The Times Money Mentor' 'Closer magazine, 'The Guardian' and many more for posts such as the viral 'Kids Eat Free' and 'Supermarket 25% off Wine Deal Dates' promotions she features. Read More 


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