Travelodge Travelodge Deals, Sales & Promos - 2024

The Best Deals, Promos, Seasonal Picks & Discounts found at



Explore stays for £35 or LESS at Travelodge and book in advance for the best rates

With over 580 hotels throughout the UK, including key cities and locations.

Valid on Selected stays until February 2024

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Save 5% off all bookings at Travelodge when you use Code: 1C7ZERHF

With over 580 hotels throughout the UK, including key cities and locations.

Valid on stays until August 31st 2023

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Travelodge London Central City Road rooms for £50.99 for 2 people (Every Sunday in September)

Great location for London sightseeing!

Valid on Sunday Stays in September 2023

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Perfect deal for spring staycations with rooms from £29!

Take in the sights with a city break in London, enjoy a weekend lazing by the beach in Lytham St. Annes or take a ramble around the picturesque countryside in Arundel.

Please note you can only book for stays from the 4th July.

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  Expires: 29th July 2018

  Terms: Selected Locations

  Use Code:

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  Expires: 4th April 2019

  Terms: Some amazing prices for various Jan/Feb/March Stays. Works on Friday & Sunday nights only. The prices shown seem to apply throughout the majority of Jan, Feb & March.

  Use Code:

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