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Free Clothes at Shein

How do we get free clothes at Shein? We all love clothes shopping, right? But, what if I told you I know how we can get our new wardrobe fix without the expense...

free shein clothes 

I won’t lie, you won’t be bagging tonnes of clothes in the next few days, it will take a little time but you will be rewarded in the end.

How to Get Free Clothes at Shein

So, let’s begin…

If you follow our Facebook page, Money Saving Central, you will have seen us post about a clothing website called Shein. You will have probably seen it on your sponsored posts on Facebook too. Shein spends a lot of money doing social media advertising but because their clothes are low priced, people are often left wondering if they’re genuine.  

Well, let me tell you, I am OBSESSED with Shein! I too was very wary when I first saw them popping up on Facebook and I thought ‘Oh here we go, another Chinese website that sells poor-quality clothing that takes forever to arrive’. How wrong was I!

My cousin is the one who told me to take the plunge with them, she has ordered from them many times in the past and she loves their clothes and prices. I decided to bite the bullet and put in a small order to test the water. 

2 long weeks later, my order finally arrived. The orders come from their warehouse in Belgium so, yes, it does take a while for the clothing to come but I promise it’s worth the wait!

I was surprised how well packed the clothing came, all in their little zip-lock bags. Trying the clothing on, I was pleasantly surprised! The fit was perfect, the quality was perfect and I loved everything I ordered! I was straight back on the website making order number 2.

Getting the right size can be a little difficult at first so my advice is to sign up and create your profile. That way you can add in your measurements. Just grab a tape measure and measure your bust, hips etc and when you’re looking at an item Shein will recommend which size will be best for you.


Love FREE Clothes? Here are 10 ways to bag Free Clothing


Now, on to the exciting bit! Free clothes!

If you download the Shien app, there is an option for you to ‘check in’ daily - don’t worry about forgetting to do this, have your Shein notifications turned on and they will remind you daily. By checking in daily, you can earn points. For every consecutive day you check in, the more points you get.

Those points are then changed into money which can be spent on the website. You can put that money towards a purchase or, if you have enough points, you can grab yourself some clothing COMPLETELY FREE!

You can earn extra points by marking your order as arrived, by writing reviews of your purchases, and by submitting photos of you wearing your outfits. Go all Instagram style on those photos though, the better the photo, the more likely you are to be featured on the website as a model for that item!  


You will need to pay for postage unless you have a voucher code for free postage.

Top Tip It's well worth hitting the star button on any item you love and want to purchase on payday, it will get added to your wish list and if it goes into a flash sale then you can snap it up even cheaper!


If you have any questions about this article or know of any other tips for bagging free clothing at Shein, please let us know in the comments below...

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Claire is the UK's #1 'Online Shopping Expert', she is best known for creating sale date tracking to reveal UK sale dates so her followers are first to know when the next sale is due to land for their favourite stores - making her unpopular with major UK retailers!

Featured in major news outlets and TV shows such as 'This Morning', 'The Times Money Mentor' 'Closer magazine, 'The Guardian' and many more for posts such as the viral 'Kids Eat Free' and 'Supermarket 25% off Wine Deal Dates' promotions she features. Read More 


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