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Blue Peter Badge Attractions

Save money on days out by applying for a free Blue Peter badge and get access to free entry to 100s of UK based attractions. A Blue Peter badge is a special award given to children who appear on the Blue Peter TV show, or in recognition of achievement. It gains FREE entry into attractions throughout the UK, including zoos, theme parks, aquariums, and castles.


blue peter attractions 


Most people assume blue peter badges are really hard to get hold of, but actually, by making a little bit of effort, your kids can earn a badge easily. Find out how to get your child a badge, and what fantastic benefits it brings.

Blue Peter Badge Attractions


Money Saving Central


Where can I go with my Blue Peter Badge?


A free Blue Peter badge gains you free entry to 100s of UK attractions throughout the UK. In fact, there are over 200 available, for the full list visit the Blue Peter Attractions Map.


How to get a Blue Peter Badge

Firstly you need to choose which badge you are applying for from the list above, then give Blue Peter a reason to award you the badge.  For instance, if you choose the sports badge, you should enclose a letter with a sporting achievement you might have had.  If you choose the green badge, it would be for something to do with the environment. 

Make sure you enclose evidence of your project in the form of a photograph, video link or web link, as well as your child's full name and address, date of birth.

Blue Peter has announced that most children aged 6 - 15 who write in will get a badge - taking in to consideration, lost and damaged mail.  It can take up to eight weeks from the time you send your letters off to get a badge, so make sure you leave plenty of time if you are planning a trip you would like to use your badge on.

Completed forms must be returned to:
Blue Peter
M50 2BH


What Badges Are Available

There are seven in total, all of which get you free entry to the available attractions. Some are easier to get than others, and the one you are awarded will be dependant on the niche of your entry.

1- Blue  

A blue badge is awarded to children who have appeared on the show, as well as to those who send in interesting letters, emails, stories, pictures, poems, and good ideas for the show.

2 - Sport  

A Sport badge is awarded to children who have had great sporting achievements, are ambassadors for sport, and inspire others to get involved with sport.

3 - Silver 

A silver badge is awarded to children who already have a blue badge but have made an extra effort. So if you have already sent in a poem, send in another one that you have recently composed, or that has maybe won an award to upgrade your badge to silver.

4 - Green  

A green badge is awarded to children who send in entries that are about the environment, conservation or nature.

5 - Orange  

An orange badge is awarded to children who are winners or runners-up of Blue Peter competitions.

6 - Purple  

A purple badge is awarded to children who are budding TV critics, simply by sending in a review of the show. Just print off, and fill in this form and answer the 10 questions about the show along with personal details

7 - Gold  

A gold badge is awarded to children who have had a major life achievement, such as saving a life or winning a prestigious award.  The gold badge is rare and hard to get, only a few are handed out each year.


How to Use The Blue Peter Badge

Once your child receives their badge, you will need to help them complete this form to get a Blue Peter badge card. Many attractions will want to see the badge card as it shows the details specific to the child who earned the badge.

Free entry with the badge is for children from the age of 6 years and expires when the child turns 16.  

Children must wear their Blue Peter badge to gain free entry and/or show their Blue Peter badge card on arrival. Some attractions allow free entry by simply wearing a Blue Peter badge, but more and more are now asking for proof of ownership in the form of the Blue Peter badge card, due to some people purchasing badges off eBay.


What Attractions Can Badge Holders Get Free Entry

Some of the places you can visit for free with a Blue Peter badge include the Roald Dahl Museum, The Tower of London, Plantasia, London zoos, and Cheddar Gorge.

There are more than 200 attractions that badge holders can enter for free, all dotted throughout the UK.  For the full list of available attractions please visit the Blue Peter Attractions Map



If none of these amazing days out are of interest you, why not try one of these 80 Free Days Out to entertain the kids



Has your child managed to bag a badge? or even the full set? Tag us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we would love to see pics of your kids who have gained their badges!

Alternatively, If you think the attractions are great, have any questions or have had recent success in getting a badge, let us know in the comments below...


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