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Advanced Food Allergy Test (Hair Strand) £19 @ Wowcher Expired

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Date Posted Sunday, 17 March 2019 08:59
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Take an 'advanced food intolerance test', covering food, vitamins, minerals and more. Specific intolerances tested include dairy, meats, sweeteners and nuts.

The 'advanced' option tests over 300 foods. Or you can upgrade to an 'advanced premium' test of over 600 foods!

Easy process using hair analysis. Just send a sample by post.

Super-fast results will be sent directly to you via email from Allergy Testing, who have over 25 years of experience and are members of the Federation of Holistic Practitioners!


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Looking for a grape solution to your tummy troubles? Well, leek no further - today's deal is here to lentil you a helping hand!

We’re offering you an 'advanced food intolerance test' via post for £19, or an 'advanced premium' test for just £29, saving you up to 83% off Allergy Testing UK's prices..

Armed with today’s deal, investigate the source of your food troubles! Your advanced test will 'test' you for for over 300 food intolerances (see below for a full list). Simply send a small sample of your hair by post to the clever boffins at Allergy Testing UK, and they will conduct a series of 'food intolerance tests'. What's produced is a tailored analysis of your deficiency results from a list of components. Neat!

Alternatively you can opt to upgrade for a 'premium' test, which tests over 600 foods! This also includes 57 E-Numbers, vitamins and minerals and amino acids, alongside a host of other possible irritants!

The 'test' includes the following foods...

  • Grains (spelt, gluten, quinoa, white and brown rice)
  • Dairy (goat's cheese, goat's milk, sheep's cheese, sheep's milk)
  • Meat (turkey, venison, pheasant, duck)
  • Fish (anchovies, crab, haddock, mackerel, sardines, sea bass, plaice, trout, tuna)
  • Herbs and spices
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Oils (olive, sunflower, coconut, vegetable, soya)
  • Pulses (brown and red lentils, chickpeas, pinto, haricot and butter beans)
  • Sweeteners (glucose, Manuka honey, sugarcane, xylitol, agave syrup)
  • E-numbers
  • Vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid and amino acid deficiencies
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