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Baby Money Saving

We all know that pregnancy and baby may be a bit scary for parents for all manner of reasons, the biggest one is always the financial side of things. You need to learn to stretch your Pounds, even before baby arrives.

baby saving ideas


Here are some great money saving ideas put together by the experts at Money Saving Central to help you stretch those penny's further and help make pregnancy and parenthood a stress-free, enjoyable time .....

Baby & Pregnancy Money Saving

Baby savings

Use Discount Vouchers

Before you buy anything online you should first search to see if there's a discount voucher available. We have a dedicated section for Baby Deals and when you couple some of them with a discount code, you can make considerable savings.


Breastfeeding can save you money in many ways. There are the direct cost savings involved with not having to purchase formula. But there are also indirect savings like fewer doctor visits and co-pays, plus fewer missed days at work from having to care for a sick infant. I do want to remind you that breastfeeding is not free. You will need to budget for some nursing clothes, and possibly a breast pump and lactation support should you need it. Even with those added in, you’ve still saved money.

Money for Nothing

Why not have a big clear out and sell anything that you no longer need, not only will this make extra room for baby things but will also provide you with a bit of extra cash that you can put towards buying for your baby.

Learn to Say No!

While it can be tempting to buy as many cute baby items as possible before your baby arrives it's a much better idea to only get the basics in advance, this way you'll avoid purchasing expensive baby items that you don't need. It's more than likely that you'll receive more toys, cute outfits, and novelty gifts than you'll ever need once your baby arrives so learning to say no when you're tempted to buy a non-essential can help save those pennies.

Borrow items

While it’s always great to have something new, consider what you can borrow. This can be anything from maternity clothes, baby clothes, big-ticket baby items (like a stroller or high chair) or other things you may need or want for your baby. The good news is that many people are more than happy to help you out because these items are used for such a short period.

Stock Up

Whenever you see a deal grab a few things and put them away, it's amazing how much stuff a baby goes through.

Buy Neutral Baby Clothes

if you plan to have more babies, why not stick to neutral colours such as white, lemon, and beige. That way you can put them away and reuse the best stuff, we all have clothes that our little ones only get one or two uses out of and then end up giving them away so why not re-use them ourselves?

Sign up for Baby Clubs

Big supermarkets have online baby and toddler clubs that send money-off coupons and free samples to members. To join, just sign up online.

Ask for Vouchers

When a baby is born people will flock to you with gifts, many will probably have asked you what you want/need and you will just give the generic 'anything' reply. You will then end up with loads of toys or clothes that you won't get any use out of as your baby will have too many or you might not like the style. If you ask for vouchers from places like Asda, you can then use them to put towards nappies and creams etc that baby will need plenty of.

Sell your old Baby Items

If you don't plan on having any more bundles of joy you can make extra cash (and extra space) by selling old baby items when they're no longer useful.



What Benefits are you entitled to...

Child Benefit


If you are pregnant and working you are entitled to paid time off for your antenatal appointments. After a certain stage in your pregnancy, you should also be entitled to maternity leave and maternity pay. Also if you’re on a low income there are benefits available. You could be eligible for a grant to buy baby things, and vouchers to help you and your baby eat healthily.

Child Benefit

The 'Bounty Pack' that is given to new mothers in the hospital will contain a claim form and every new parent is entitled to CB regardless of income.

Healthy Start

If you’re at least 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under the age of four, you can get vouchers every week for free milk, fresh fruit and vegetables, infant formula, and vitamins. You usually qualify if you're on benefits, or if you're pregnant and under 18.

Sure Start Maternity Grant

If you’re on a low income and getting certain benefits or tax credits, you could get a one-off payment of £500 to help with the cost of your first baby. It’s tax free and you don’t have to pay it back.

Dental Care

Prescriptions and NHS dental treatment are free while you are pregnant and for 12 months after you have given birth. Children also get free prescriptions until they are 16.

Working and Child Tax Credits (soon to be Universal Credit)

Child tax credits give financial support to children, and Universal Credit helps people in lower-paid jobs by topping up their wages.

Your new circumstances may also entitle you to other benefits such as council tax benefits and housing benefits, you can use the Entitledto website for a comprehensive calculator which allows you to quickly check every benefit you may be entitled to.

The GOV.UK website, is where you will find the most up-to-date information about rights and benefits, including those for pregnant women and parents.




Free Baby Stuff

baby saving


Freebies Just For Mum:


Free Baby Care Products and Free Samples:

  • Hipp Baby Club - Free record book, free pregnancy journal, free pregnancy recipe book, free baby comforter, free sleep chart, free Hipp organic samples, free weaning spoon, free weaning recipe book


Freebies to Keep the Children Busy:


There are also other websites like ours such as HDUK and MSE that have forums and communities of people constantly updating with free baby stuff and discount vouchers for baby-related stores.

Freecycle and Freegle are thriving online recycling communities where people give away things they no longer use. These are great for picking up freebies of all kinds, from toys and baby clothes to bigger items such as prams and cots.


Having Twins? Check out these 13 ways to save money when you're having twins


As always, if you have any other great tips for saving money on baby related items, please let us know in the comments below...



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Claire Roach Money Saving Central Founder

Claire is the UK's #1 'Online Shopping Expert', she is best known for creating sale date tracking to reveal UK sale dates so her followers are first to know when the next sale is due to land for their favourite stores - making her unpopular with major UK retailers!

Featured in major news outlets and TV shows such as 'This Morning', 'The Times Money Mentor' 'Closer magazine, 'The Guardian' and many more for posts such as the viral 'Kids Eat Free' and 'Supermarket 25% off Wine Deal Dates' promotions she features. Read More